Línea Conny Mendez edits by Pinchado

$1.400,00 (IVA incluido)

Formato: Cassette


Categorías: , Etiqueta:


side A: c.m. 02 -c.m. 03 -c.m. 05 : 13.22 min.

side B: c.m. 01 -c.m. 06 -c.m. 08 : 12.30 min.

edits by PINCHADO


photo by Arthurremixes produced,

altered and lowered-down by Pinchadoin year 2020.

Linea Conny Mendez was an experimental music project by Julio Lozano and Miguel Mitlagwith occasionally wild contributions in effects and fuzzy wah guitar by Bill Nietooriginal recordings were takenina vacant lot in the infamous neighbourhood of Once26 min. of madness26 min. of madnessmysterious tapes found in Buenos Aires recordings from mid-nineties